To be and to love – that is what I realized to be my ultimate mission.
Loving presence reminds the soul of its original home – unity.
Practicing it in everyday life brings profound change beneficial on all levels.
It is with great joy that I share this rewarding experience and offer my support to those who set out to their true self and wish to rediscover their creative resources. It is my humble and devoted service to the world.
In gratitude I bow to the teachers who have been guiding me on the path to mastership in the tradition of the fire associated with the heart and all-embracing love.
My Way
As there have been many artists in my family, art has been very common to me. That’s why at first it seemed more exciting to head towards a different profession. However, it was art that promised the kind of freedom and the richness of expression that I didn’t want to live without. Art connects spirit and matter in a miraculous way – head, heart and hands join to create something new that addresses all senses.
My professional path had me share my art work with an international art community and engage in teaching as well. It has been a deeply fulfilling experience to support young talents in developing their creative potentials. Later, the functions of being the dean of a faculty and the vice-rector of the university gave me the opportunity to develop my abilities in responsible leadership.
During my studies in London and New York I discovered book shops with spiritual literature (at the time before the internet!). Many different subjects attracted my attention and aroused an appetite not to be satisfied by only reading. When I happened to meet an experienced soul guide, the opportunity opened up to find out more about my origins and mission.
By means of meditation and past-life-work I was given the chance to dive into timelessness and explore earlier incarnations. In the beginning I was driven by curiosity and the interest to find new ideas for my art. Eventually, the experiences I had in these sessions were so real and manifold, so surprising and touching that it caused a profound change of my attitude towards life, myself and the world.
Looking at things from a non-dual view point as it can be attained in meditation gave me deep insights of being interconnected and guided. In my soul history I found traces of many spiritual traditions; the ancient Vedas, Yoga, Sufism, Taoism, Buddhism, Christian Mysticism – all seemed familiar and ready to inspire me again.
It was the immediate relation to the Divine Source that struck me as the link between the different ways – the Divine that is present and accessible anytime and everywhere if we open our heart for it. Being a sceptical character it took time and a major crisis before I was able to accept my true self and admit the richness and beauty in life surrounding us at any given moment.
I feel blessed to have met extraordinary men and women who gave me precious advice on my path and helped me find answers to my questions. I feel blessed having found the masters who taught me and challenged me. Their boundless love, infinite patience and unshakeable trust set an example I feel obliged to. I cherish in particular that they would always refer me to my own experience – never to a dogma or a system of rules.
Thus I realized that all creation originates from the living fire of eternal love, and that we choose different paths in order to manifest our individual contribution. That’s why I love the sentence: „There is only one way – yours!“
I also realized that we are born with a natural right to live joy – joy that guides us on our path from separateness back into unity – with ourselves and the rest of the world. I feel tremendous joy every time I witness fellow humans walk the path towards their real selves. And if I may give support, it is as if I assist to the birth of a magnificent work of art!